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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition many people have heard of, but few people understand. Even people who understand ADHD don't always make the decision to pursue treatment for it. However, help is certainly available, and it’s crucial to reach out if you feel your child might have ADHD. 

ADHD is nothing to be ashamed of; it’s rather common and can be managed effectively with the right support. Seeking guidance from experts can make all the difference.

What Is ADHD?

ADHD might sound intimidating or confusing, but once you understand more about what it is and how it could affect your child, you’ll be able to make the right choices moving forward.

ADHD is a chronic condition that makes it hard for someone to pay attention, control impulses, and even regulate their energy levels. 

Interestingly, ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders found in children, but only recently have we begun to explore methods for managing the condition. Don’t forget that a child with ADHD will become an adult with ADHD, so having strategies in place to minimize its effect on their life is vital to their future health and comfort. 

When your child is diagnosed with ADHD, they will generally fall under one of three subtypes: primarily inattentive, primarily hyperactive-impulsive, or a combination of the two. Knowing which type your child has will help you determine which management strategies to employ.

Children with ADHD can exhibit a wide range of symptoms and various behavioral traits that can, if left unchecked, impact their daily lives. Common symptoms of ADHD in children include: 


Children with ADHD can have difficulty staying attentive, which can lead to careless mistakes and make organizing extremely challenging.


ADHD in children can result in excessive fidgeting or activity. Often, kids with ADHD struggle to sit still when they’re expected to (in class, for example). 


Impulsive behaviors for children with ADHD can include interrupting people, not being able to wait their turn, and making hasty decisions without considering the consequences. 

Why ADHD Treatment Is Important 

ADHD treatment is important for a variety of different reasons, including:

Academic success

Children with ADHD often struggle in school because they find it challenging to concentrate and remain organized. Treatment can help improve their focus, ensuring they’re able to learn better, complete assignments, and experience greater academic success.

Social and emotional well-being

ADHD can impact a child’s ability to interact socially, which can affect their emotional well-being. Expert treatment can enhance their social skills and emotional regulation, allowing them the opportunity to have healthier relationships with their friends and family members.

Future success

Early intervention and consistent management of ADHD increase the likelihood of success later in life. By addressing challenges as early as possible, children with ADHD can develop the necessary skills they need for whatever they wish to achieve in life.

What Treatment Options Are Available for ADHD in Children?

The good news is there are many treatment options available for ADHD. With expert advice, you can determine the best solutions for your child. Here are some treatments to consider:


Although it isn’t the best solution for everyone, medication can be an excellent way to manage the symptoms of ADHD. Medication works by affecting the neurotransmitters in the brain to enhance focus and reduce hyperactivity. 

Behavioral therapy

Behavioral therapy (which can include cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT) can be extremely helpful when it comes to teaching children coping strategies, organizational skills, and impulse control. Even better, this kind of therapy can include both parents and children to ensure an understanding, supportive environment.

How to Learn More About Your Child’s ADHD

Understanding your child’s ADHD and getting the appropriate support is essential for their overall well-being now and in the future. The following options can help you learn more about ADHD:

Consulting with pediatricians 

Schedule an appointment with a pediatrician to discuss your concerns and explore potential options for moving forward. Our experienced and knowledgeable team at Rexburg Pediatrics can provide you with excellent guidance and advice. 

Support groups 

Joining a support ground for parents of children with ADHD can provide a sense of community and reassure you that you’re not alone. Hearing from others who are on the same journey as you can provide you with emotional support as well as useful, practical advice.

Schedule an Appointment With Rexburg Pediatrics

ADHD is a complex but manageable condition, and with the right support and advice, it can certainly be effectively managed. Contact the experts at Rexburg Pediatrics today to schedule an appointment for your child.