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Tips for Soothing a Fussy Baby

It’s completely normal for a baby to be calm and content one moment and fussy the next. Sometimes, they may cry uncontrollably, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do. It can be incredibly stressful when nothing seems to soothe them. However, calming a baby takes patience, trial and error, and an understanding of their unique needs. If you're looking for new ways to comfort your little one, we offer practical tips to help you navigate those challenging moments.

The Many Causes of Fussiness

Before you try different methods to soothe your baby, you must first ensure that they haven’t got an immediate need that must be addressed. 


Hunger is one of the most common reasons babies fuss. Since their tiny stomachs can’t hold much at once, they need to eat frequently. Signs of hunger include sucking on their hands or making little sucking noises. Ensuring a good latch while breastfeeding or checking the bottle’s temperature before feeding can make the experience more comfortable for both of you.


Sometimes, fussiness is simply a sign that your baby is uncomfortable. Their clothes might be too tight, or their diaper may need changing. If a diaper change is necessary, be sure you’re using the appropriate size and a gentle rash cream to keep your baby happy. They may be too hot or cold, so feel their skin and observe them for signs like flushed cheeks, damp hair, rashes, etc.


Being overtired can make it hard for babies to settle down. Newborns sleep a lot, but their sleep patterns are often unpredictable. Yawning or rubbing their eyes are common signs of sleepiness. Establishing a gentle sleep routine can help, but keep in mind that every baby is different, and what works one day may not work the next.


The world is a big, overwhelming place for a baby. Loud noises and bright lights can overstimulate them, leading to fussiness. If your baby becomes cranky after being in a busy environment, try moving them to a quiet, dimly lit space where they can relax and reset.


If your baby seems unusually fussy and shows signs of illness—such as vomiting, a fever, or symptoms of colic—it may be best to check in with your pediatrician. If teething is the issue, offering a cool teether or gently massaging their gums may bring some relief.

Create a Calm Environment

A calm environment can go a very long way when it comes to helping your baby feel safe. If you want to help your baby then you can try:

Dimming the lights

Babies are very sensitive to their surroundings. Softening the lights can create a soothing atmosphere and help your baby feel more at ease.

White noise

White noise or calming nature sounds can provide comforting background noise, especially while they sleep. Plenty of sound machines are available online or in stores, but you can also use apps on your phone or television.


Wrapping your baby snugly (but not too tightly) can help them feel cozy and secure, similar to how they felt in the womb. Swaddling can also prevent your baby from startling themselves awake with sudden movements. If you’re not sure how to swaddle your baby, we can show you! There are also countless tutorials online that demonstrate different swaddling techniques. 


Gentle, rhythmic movement can be incredibly soothing for babies, as it mimics the motion they felt in the womb. Rocking your baby in your arms, swaying side to side, or using a rocking chair can help them relax and feel secure. Some babies enjoy being walked around while held close, while others may settle when placed in a baby swing or bouncer with a gentle motion. If your baby enjoys car rides, a short drive can sometimes lull them to sleep. Experimenting with different types of movement can help you find what works best for your little one.

Try Different Feeding Techniques

If your baby seems fussy during feeds, a slight adjustment may make a big difference in their comfort and overall feeding experience.

Proper latching

If you're breastfeeding, ensuring a proper latch can make feeding more effective and comfortable for both of you. A shallow latch can frustrate your baby and cause discomfort for you. If you’re having trouble, we can offer guidance on positioning to help improve the experience.

Try different feeding positions

Some babies feel more comfortable feeding in certain positions. Experiment with different holds, such as the cradle hold, football hold, or side-lying position, to see what works best for your baby. If bottle-feeding, try adjusting the angle or using a different bottle nipple to improve flow.

Offer a pacifier

Babies have a natural instinct to suck, which isn’t always tied to hunger. If your baby has recently eaten but still seems unsettled, offering a pacifier can provide comfort and help them self-soothe. Some babies prefer different shapes or styles, so it may take a little trial and error to find one they like.

Provide Physical Comfort

Physical touch is one of the most powerful ways to comfort a fussy baby. Here are some ways to offer them that sense of calm through touch:

Hold them

Sometimes, your baby simply wants to be held, as your warmth and presence can be incredibly soothing. Different holding positions may also help, depending on your baby’s needs. The cradle hold, where you support their head in the crook of your arm against your chest, provides a sense of security. Some babies prefer being held over the shoulder and gently patted on the back. If your baby is struggling with gas or colic, the belly hold, where they lie face down along your forearm, may offer relief.

Baby massage

Using gentle strokes and a little bit of baby oil, massage your child’s legs, arms, and back with soft, circular motions. You can also massage their back, but avoid the spine, as it is still developing.

Warm bath

A warm bath at around 98°F can comfort and relax your baby. The warm water helps ease muscle tension and even soothe mild discomfort from gas or colic. You can enhance the experience by keeping the lights dim, speaking in a soft voice, or gently pouring warm water over their body to prevent them from getting cold.

When to Call a Pediatrician

If your baby’s fussiness is persistent or accompanied by symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, or signs of illness, it’s always a good idea to check in with your pediatrician. They can help rule out any medical concerns and offer guidance. At Rexburg Pediatrics, we offer same-day treatment for sick kids.

Newborn Care in Rexburg

Every baby is unique, and there will be moments when it’s hard to know exactly what they need. That is perfectly okay. Sometimes, they may not even know themselves! Patience, trial and error, and love go a long way. If you ever need extra support with newborn care, our team at Rexburg Pediatrics is here to help. Call us at 208-346-8400 to schedule an appointment and get the guidance or reassurance you need.